Well this is my thanx to all the peeps out there who I took pix from.
Vote for me in The Top Sorcerer Hunters Sites

Carrot: These Links are pretty cool. Cafe: But not even half of them have to due with you! Carrot: They Don't?! Cafe: *Nods* Carrot: *Sad Face*
This is a great place to read fan fiction!
Links for Sorcerer Hunters
This has a lot of links! Go to them, they're really kewl!
Anime Kingdom
This site was made by my friend and I!! Hope you like it!!!
Adopt a Sorcerer Hunter!
Need a someone to protect your site?! Have a handy dandy Sorcerer Hunter!!
The Best Gatterron shrine I've visited. If your a major fan of Gatterron, then this is the place for you!!
BAKA!-retsu Hunter!
This is the funniest site I've ever been to!!! Another place to see Gatterron, and anti-KFC!! ^_^
A well done shrine to Apricot. (Not many shrines to her)
Chocolate's Torte Page
Very strange....the one and only shrine to Zaha Torte!!
Bakuretsu Hunters World
One of the Best Bakuretsu Hunters sites out there!! In both Spanish and English! Habla Espanol?!
Welcome to the Bakuretsu Hunters Fan Symposium!
This is totally dedicated to the Fans!! Whoo Hooo!!!
Bakuretsu Hunters Sorcerer Lair
Pretty good Image Galleries. I like this site!
Anime Shrine: Bakuretsu Hunters
Amany many pix!! The pix here are really kewl. (Most of them are from the anime)
Tira, Marron, and Carrot!
A Shrine to Tira, Marron, and our little puppy Carrot!!!!